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Our team stands ready to provide a maximum flexibility!
In space industry for more than 40 years

Founded in 1969 and based in Les Ulis (91 , Paris region), SYSTRONIC is qualified since 1975.
For over 40 years, we had provided Printed Circuits Boards for numerous European and American satellites, and for ARIANE launcher.
The greatest level of reliability based on a continuous monitoring.

Due to our experience in space, aeronautic and military industries, we offer you the best reliability.
Our quality performance is founded on our CNES and ESA qualifications for all kind of technologies (multilayers, rigid-flex and high frequency).
Our quality management based on ISO 9001 and EN 9100 completed our space qualifications.
Relies on a professional team with efficient means

All our staff has long experience in complex printed circuit board manufacturing.
Our continuous investment policy provide them efficient means.
Systronic in figures :
- 42 staff members
- 2000 m² workspace
- Export : 35 %